Practicing Democracy: Voter Education and Engagement on Campus

Join AASCU’s American Democracy Project in helping our campuses prepare students and communities to participate in the 2024 local, state, and national elections. 

Middle Tennessee State University Students get out the vote.
Students at Middle Tennessee State University get out the vote.

Join us for a series of virtual workshops to help our campuses prepare for local, state, and national elections.

This election season promises to be one of the most contentious in American history. The divisions that are apparent in our communities and regions will be played out on our campuses. As “stewards of place,” AASCU campuses are vital sites for building a vibrant and healthy democracy, preparing students to be informed and engaged citizens and modeling for our communities free and open debate on difficult issues.

Throughout 2024, AASCU’s American Democracy Project will convene a series of virtual education and engagement workshops designed to engage faculty, staff, and administrators at AASCU campuses on topics related to voter education, engagement, and turnout.

This non-partisan initiative aims to encourage conversation, demonstrate best practices, and provide critical resources so that our campuses can build capacity and a campus culture that encourages engagement in building a strong democracy.

American Democracy Project

Who should attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Administrators
  • Librarians

How will you benefit?

  • Develop support systems and gain access to resources for voter education and voter engagement
  • Integrate and apply voter education into learning settings across multiple disciplines
  • Review, validate, build, implement, and assess voter engagement plans for campuses
  • Connect to colleagues to build a campus culture that fosters voter engagement
Upcoming Workshops
After the Ballots: Navigating the 2024 Election Outcomes

Nov. 15, 2024

3:00PM-4:30PM ET


Register today.
Past Workshops

Voter education is defined as building knowledge, civic skills, and democratic values.

Voter engagement encourages and supports peaceful and meaningful participation in elections within our communities.

In spring 2024, AASCU’s American Democracy Project convened a series of virtual education and engagement workshops designed to engage faculty, staff, and administrators at AASCU campuses on topics related to voter education, engagement, and turnout.


of spring workshop attendees rated the workshops good (34%) or excellent (63%).


said they gained additional knowledge applicable to their work.


planned to apply what they learned on their campus.

“Across the universe of resources for civically active students, especially resources provided by partner organizations, is a wealth of knowledge and skills that we can use as we construct professional development programs for faculty and for students, as well as ideas that we can use in designing assessment instruments that would help us improve teaching and that could make our funding requests more effective.”

Anonymous Spring Workshop Participant

Practicing Democracy Series Partners

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