Sep. 6, 2024
2:00PM-3:00PM ET

Assessing the Civic Campus with Ithaka S+R

Explore the link between higher education and civic engagement through this interactive webinar.

Watch recording.

AASCU’s American Democracy Project and Ithaka S+R collaborated on a recent report that explored the link between higher education and civic engagement.

The report draws on studies from the past few decades and focuses on how researchers and practitioners define civic engagement, the nature of the relationship between higher education and civic behaviors and attitudes, the equity implications of civic education, and what the research says about the effectiveness of different types of civic engagement programming.

Join AASCU and Ithaka S+R for an interactive webinar that expands on the key findings, suggests creative options for campuses to re-envision civic engagement on their campuses, and provides opportunities for discussion and dialogue. We invite leaders at all levels of the institution to join this webinar.

Who should participate?

  • Presidents and chancellors
  • Provosts
  • Senior leaders
  • Faculty
  • Staff

How will you benefit?

  • Deep context and history of the link between higher education and civic engagement
  • Specific strategies to measure and track civic outcomes
  • Avenues for leaders at all levels to strengthen democratic principles, champion social mobility, and foster civic education

Questions about this webinar? Let us know.

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