Dave Clayton

Senior Vice President of Research

Strada Education Foundation

Dave Clayton is the senior vice president of research at Strada Education Network. Clayton leads a research team that conducts primary and secondary research to learn what students need so that educators, policymakers, employers, innovators, funders, and others can all share in students’ success well beyond the completion of their credentials and degrees. Through large-scale surveys, qualitative studies, and programmatic evaluations, Clayton and his team work to identify effective practices that help all individuals fulfill their personal and professional aspirations, paying special attention to strengthening connections between education and the workforce. With expertise in psychology, market research, branding, and social impact marketing, Clayton has experience in bridging research into action on many of our society’s most pressing needs—including education, health, and financial inclusion—and how to engage all stakeholders in pursuing shared solutions at the global, national, local, and personal levels. Clayton previously served as vice president with the global survey research firm Harris Interactive, and later as executive vice president of the social impact marketing organization Neimand Collaborative. Clayton earned a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.