Ravi Krovi
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Weber State University (UT)

Ravi Krovi joined Weber State University (UT) as provost and vice president of academic affairs in March 2020. Krovi previously worked at the University of Akron (OH), where he served as a professor, the director of the Center for Information Technologies and eBusiness, chair of the Department of Management, and dean of the College of Business Administration. During this time, the college’s strategic emphasis on academic quality, student professional development, and career readiness resulted in affirmation of global accreditation in business and accounting and a Top 50 public business school national ranking. He has actively participated in consulting activities and led executive development programs for corporations and government agencies in digital competencies, business analytics, strategic planning, leadership, and technology.
Krovi earned his doctoral degree in management information systems and decision sciences and master’s degree specializations in computer science and statistics from the University of Memphis, and a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Baroda, India.